
As we all know that kali linux is the best tool for hacking and forensic. Most of the kali linux tools for hacking and forensics are pre-installed. But the most common question from newbies is which is the best tool for hacking and forensics. Many people say that if you want to become a good ethical hacker you must know about python,c++ and ruby. It's not 100% right. Because developing new hacking tools is not the job of ethical hacker but utilizing them in a convenient manner. In the latest version of Kali linux almost every tool is present which is required to do hacking related tasks.


This article is for newbies who want to know about best kali linux tools. In the following list there will be both hacking and forensics tools of kali linux. If you don't know how to use them, don't worry we will teach you for free you just have to stay tuned.

Best Kali Linux Tools For Hacking and Forensics:

 This list is based on some of the favorite hacking and forensics tools of most of the hackers in the world. So lets start.



Armitage is a graphical cyber attact tools used to capture data, share victim hosts, download files and same session. This tool is also my favorite because it has GUI which is not included in most of the kali linux tools. Armitage uses metasploit capabilities for hacking. 



Basically it is a framework used to discover vulnerability on web application, networks and servers. This tool is also available on other OS like windows. You can also get GUI version of metasploit and a paid version is also available. But it is pre-installed in kali linux so you don't have install it or buy it. Just open it and start discovering vulnerability in your network.



Wireshark is another amazing tool used for network analysis and profiling network packets basically it a network sniffer. But using this tool requires advance skills which can be learned if you want to use this tool.